With You Every Step of the Way
Since 1987 I have provided individuals a wide range of psychological and coaching services to suit their needs. I gave up my MFC license when I moved out of CA to Vermont but offer coaching by zoom at this time. Whether you’re an individual or a family looking for help concerning a loved one - my sessions are designed to strengthen your confidence, and support you in moving toward greater wellbeing. In May, 2021 I teamed up with Benjamin Asher, MD to provide Ketamine-Assisted Therapy in Windsor, Vermont. Unfortunately, as of June, 2024, due to his illness we are no longer offering this service.
Link to educational services I offer by clicking Integrative Mental Health University.
Scroll below for more details of services.
Consider getting in touch with me today.
for Individuals, Couples, and Families
Most of my consultations occur online via zoom, or phone. I welcome clients from all over the world.
Since, 1980 I've been deeply focused pioneering the area of Spiritual Emergence/Emergency. I'm considered an expert in this field of moving through the phenomena of awakening as well as Spiritual Emergency (psycho-spiritual crises associated with awakening/spiritual growth). Download details here.
My fee ranges from $125-$325 per hour on a sliding scale. Students and unemployed paying at the lowest end of the scale. If you are paying the full fee: After scheduling an appointment please use a yellow button below to pre-pay by credit card. If we agree on another fee: I will send you an invoice to prepay.

Effective Alternatives to Meds
Since 2013 I have been the Executive Director of an online educational site called "Integrative Mental Health University". Research currently shows us that psychiatric medications are not fulfilling their promise and effective alternatives are needed. IMHU.org offers information on effective alternatives. We pay particular attention to the positive, transformative potential of practices that encourage spiritual experiences: particular medications, psychedelic-assisted therapies, and others when guided responsibly and ethically.
Visit IMHU
to explore these evidence-based alternatives.

for Clinicians, Hospitals and Providers
Mental Healthcare in the USA needs an overhaul. Psychiatric medications have not fulfilled their promise--and we have a greater percentage of people of all ages experiencing depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts than before we used psychiatric meds.
Through the generosity of my teachers, I have become an expert in effective spiritual treatments that add power and increase effectiveness to an integrative approach to mental healthcare. More details of what I offer can be viewed HERE. Contact me for your situation and to arrange a consultation.
Another path to learning: I take healthcare providers to Brazil each year for a unique seminar to observe and experience Spiritist Psychiatry--and discuss with leaders and practitioners in the field in Brazil. I earned this role as an Ambassador to this paradigm after 12 years of study in Brazil, co-producing 2 documentary films, and publishing several books about the effectiveness of Spiritist Treatments.
Click HERE for information on books and films.

Blog: Ketamine-Assisted Therapy
Dr. Asher died in May, 2024. This therapy is currently not available.